I do consider myself a pretty handsome guy. Not meaning to brag but I've had my share of girlfriend experience. Getting married has always been a pleasant dream of mine. It just hasn't planned out the way I wanted it to be. Just for starts I told myself that I would be married by the age of 25 and that didn't happen. To this day I really don't know where that came from. I'm not sure if it was during my dreams of going to the NFL or in more realistic times. Throughout half of my life, I've never been pressured into a relationship. I really don't know how truthful it can be to really have true love that way. There's plenty of ways to do things similar in the new millennium. We have all types of Internet dating sites or your married friends trying to hook you up. You could even find love by trying to talk to a girl that's already taken and she likes you so she finds someone for you. A friend once told me a while ago that I've always had girls fall in my lap. I never really got what that meant but I just denied it. I wish it could of happened the way it did in this movie.
A really good example of a power trip bi*$h is shown in this movie. Margaret Tate (the hot girl Sandra Bullock)
is a chef auditor of a book company and gives off a persona of meanness. There's no doubt in the beginning of the movie. Right after she finished firing one of her employees it turns out that she's an immigrant from Canada. Not keeping track of time because of her fast paste lifestyle her green card runs out. The ironic part is the person that has a chance to help her out, is the one she fired. Now she's out of options the only way she can stay in America is to get married. She chooses to blackmail Andrew Paxton (Ryan Reynolds) who is a motivated man trying to grow within the company. There are rules to getting married especially if it's under those circumstances it has to be an investigation on your love. Which sounds pretty messed up in itself. Because of that the newly weds have to travel to Alaska to meet Andrew's family. That's where it all goes down or up, it all depends on who you are, from there.
"That was a cute movie" that's what my girlfriend said. With me being a man and all I really can't agree with it being cute, but do think it was a pretty good chick flick. It was a couple of funny parts in the movie. The thing I hate most about TV advertisement is how they show some of the only funny parts of a movie. This situation was no different in this one although it was a couple of parts I didn't see. The one thing that bothers me about this movies is that its so predicable. Overall I will say that if your a single man you might want to stay at home to catch it on cable. If you're in a relationship I will say you won't be disappointed on a movie date.
June 28, 2009
June 25, 2009
Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li
Image via Wikipedia
This movie was kind of confusing to me because I wasn't sure if it had anything to do with the older version. They made a movie based off Street Fighter a long time ago. With that movie it was more about the bad team and the good team. This movie is about the story of Chin-Li, obviously. As she grows up it shows where she came from and what her mission is. A lot of characters aren't in this movie which was disappointing to me. It was Bison(Neal McDonough) which is the one Chin-Li(Kristin Kreuk) is out for revenge against. Cantana(Josie Ho) is one of the bosses, Balrog(Michael Clarke Duncan) Bison's right hand man and Gen(Robin Shou) who helped Chin-Li through her journey. Even Vaga(Taboo) had a very small part as the bad ass that does some of the dirty work. I guess it was some type of elite team that was out to get Bison's crew. The two leaders of that group were somebody name Charlie Nash(Chris Klein) and Det. Maya Sunee(the hot girl Moon Bloodgood). For some reason I get this feeling that there's going to be another one and there gonna get some type of power to become a character.
I really kind of like the other one a little better because of the action. The Legend of Chun-Li had a better story line. I can't remember if the movie came out after the newer video game or before. The story line I believe was from the original video game. The older movie also had way more characters in it which made it more interesting. Although this movie lacked all thee above I still think it was better than the Mortal Combat movie. If your just a fan of video game movies than you might just want to see this one.
June 15, 2009
Gran Torino
I remember back in the day when I was walking with my friends back from the movie theater. I really don't remember why but while we were walking in a predominately white area we ran into a couple of white people in a car. They all looked up at the same time and locked the doors at the same time.
It was a couple of friends of mine and just for the reference we were all black. For some reason, it happen so long ago, that's the only instance out of many the just stands out in my head. I really don't believe that racism is going anywhere soon. Although in Gran Torino it is a lesson learned at the end. Don't get me wrong racism goes both ways. There are a lot of black people out there that's holding the grudge against white people. I'm more of a God fearing man myself and believe that we're all one under God. That's the part hurts me the most, if your a christian then there's no way you can be raises. We are making great progress with are new black president. To this day it still get to me whenever I see any type of hatred in a movie.
This movie isn't any different than the ones that I've seen in the past. Walt Kowalski (Clint Eastwood) is an old bitter man who has a huge chip on his shoulder. If you look up the word "old school" his name and face will appear right next to it. He's a very proud man, proud of his lawn, life and neighborhood. It kind of goes off course when he notice that a foreign family moved next door.
With the Hmong family next door the neighborhood is gone. Ironically the kid next door is the kid life he saves. Just trying to keep Thao Vang Lor (Bee Vang) off his lawn ended up changing both of their lives. Thao is a young kid that's stuck between the good life or the gang life. While driving around the neighborhood he runs into Thao's sister Sue Lor (Ahney Her) who is a girl who can differently handle her own. In this particular seen she has her back against the wall with no where to go and here comes Walt. The drive home is what opens Walt whole life up.
This movie is diffidently a sleeper, meaning falling asleep. If you don't have the patience to watch a slow movie to wait for the climax, than this ones not for you. If you put yourself in the mood to watch a slow movie, you won't be disappointed. I'm kind of an "old school" man myself and it's some things in the movie I agree with. This is one of those manly man movies that the women wouldn't mine seeing. It's parts in the movie that explains the unwritten rules of being a man. This movie was an all around good movie that I'm proud to say. I know that it's kind of old now but if you spent your money at the theater then good. Soon it's gonna be on cable but before then at least good to the movie rental place and rent it, better yet buy it.
It was a couple of friends of mine and just for the reference we were all black. For some reason, it happen so long ago, that's the only instance out of many the just stands out in my head. I really don't believe that racism is going anywhere soon. Although in Gran Torino it is a lesson learned at the end. Don't get me wrong racism goes both ways. There are a lot of black people out there that's holding the grudge against white people. I'm more of a God fearing man myself and believe that we're all one under God. That's the part hurts me the most, if your a christian then there's no way you can be raises. We are making great progress with are new black president. To this day it still get to me whenever I see any type of hatred in a movie.
This movie isn't any different than the ones that I've seen in the past. Walt Kowalski (Clint Eastwood) is an old bitter man who has a huge chip on his shoulder. If you look up the word "old school" his name and face will appear right next to it. He's a very proud man, proud of his lawn, life and neighborhood. It kind of goes off course when he notice that a foreign family moved next door.
With the Hmong family next door the neighborhood is gone. Ironically the kid next door is the kid life he saves. Just trying to keep Thao Vang Lor (Bee Vang) off his lawn ended up changing both of their lives. Thao is a young kid that's stuck between the good life or the gang life. While driving around the neighborhood he runs into Thao's sister Sue Lor (Ahney Her) who is a girl who can differently handle her own. In this particular seen she has her back against the wall with no where to go and here comes Walt. The drive home is what opens Walt whole life up.
This movie is diffidently a sleeper, meaning falling asleep. If you don't have the patience to watch a slow movie to wait for the climax, than this ones not for you. If you put yourself in the mood to watch a slow movie, you won't be disappointed. I'm kind of an "old school" man myself and it's some things in the movie I agree with. This is one of those manly man movies that the women wouldn't mine seeing. It's parts in the movie that explains the unwritten rules of being a man. This movie was an all around good movie that I'm proud to say. I know that it's kind of old now but if you spent your money at the theater then good. Soon it's gonna be on cable but before then at least good to the movie rental place and rent it, better yet buy it.
June 14, 2009
The Hangover
A drunk ain't sh*t is what they say. I drink sometimes yeah, but I don't get drunk often. I think that's one of the main reason that I don't drink because of hangovers. I can only think of maybe two times that I've drunk and passed out. To see someone that drunk in person is kind of funny but at the same time sad. People should know when to stop drinking after a certain point. I know when I was younger I always wanted to test my limits for some reason. I don't know if it was because of the people I was around with the peer pressure or just stupid. People act differently than others when they're drunk. Some people get angry and want to argue with everybody about everything. Some people just act the complete opposite of whatever their personality is normally. I think the only thing that everybody go through is getting a little horny, it's just the fact that some people can control what they do. Bachelor parties are one of the funniest things on earth to go to. I don't know if you could ever compare the men parties to the women's but I would assume that ours are more fun. Men don't really think about what the women are doing during the party but I've seen some man have to answer the phone whenever they women call. A lot of the men bachelor parties are the same and I don't have to go into details about what they are.
This movie is about a bachelor party that goes completely south. It's one of those movies that starts at the end then goes into what happened. Doug Billings (Justin Bartha)is the one that's getting married and at the beginning of the movie the day of the wedding he was lost. His farther-in-law decided to let him use his precious car to go to Vegas. Along the way he wants to take of course take a couple of his friends with him to Vegas. The brother-in-law Alan Garner (Zach Galifianakis) goes along and lets just say he's a couple beers short of a six pack. Then he goes and pick up his school teacher friend Phil Wenneck (Bradley Cooper) who comes off as a scam artist because he finds some way to get the money from the kids in his class so he can have some cash for Vegas. The last one is his dentist friend Stu Price (Ed Helms) who comes for a marriage that is ran by his wife Mellisa (Rachael Harris). The situations that they put themselves through is just amazing everything from some how ending up with a tiger in the apartment to finding 8 million something in chips for the casino.
Every time I write a review on a movie I always get the temptation to tell you the whole movie. Of course I'm not going to do it because I don't want to ruin the movie like other reviews do. If your into movies like Old School or The Wedding Crashers then you don't want to miss this one. I really can't think of anything negative to say about this movie besides the adventurous they go through are not realistic but it is a movie. There are a couple of guest appearance's by Mike Epps, Mike Tyson and Heather Graham. The hot girl in the movie is Jade (Heather Graham) who is a stripper that gets married to Stu, a long story. I personality don't think the movie is funny without Alan involved just because he's stupid and does stupid stuff. If you haven't went and seen this movie at the theater go ahead, you won't be disappointed.
This movie is about a bachelor party that goes completely south. It's one of those movies that starts at the end then goes into what happened. Doug Billings (Justin Bartha)is the one that's getting married and at the beginning of the movie the day of the wedding he was lost. His farther-in-law decided to let him use his precious car to go to Vegas. Along the way he wants to take of course take a couple of his friends with him to Vegas. The brother-in-law Alan Garner (Zach Galifianakis) goes along and lets just say he's a couple beers short of a six pack. Then he goes and pick up his school teacher friend Phil Wenneck (Bradley Cooper) who comes off as a scam artist because he finds some way to get the money from the kids in his class so he can have some cash for Vegas. The last one is his dentist friend Stu Price (Ed Helms) who comes for a marriage that is ran by his wife Mellisa (Rachael Harris). The situations that they put themselves through is just amazing everything from some how ending up with a tiger in the apartment to finding 8 million something in chips for the casino.
Every time I write a review on a movie I always get the temptation to tell you the whole movie. Of course I'm not going to do it because I don't want to ruin the movie like other reviews do. If your into movies like Old School or The Wedding Crashers then you don't want to miss this one. I really can't think of anything negative to say about this movie besides the adventurous they go through are not realistic but it is a movie. There are a couple of guest appearance's by Mike Epps, Mike Tyson and Heather Graham. The hot girl in the movie is Jade (Heather Graham) who is a stripper that gets married to Stu, a long story. I personality don't think the movie is funny without Alan involved just because he's stupid and does stupid stuff. If you haven't went and seen this movie at the theater go ahead, you won't be disappointed.
June 9, 2009
Dance Flick
Dance, dance, dance, I'm a dancing machine. Watch me get down, watch me get down. If you were a dancing machine in the mid 90's then you know the rest of the lyrics of this song. Growing up in my household you would have to be a music fan or else you wouldn't fit in. I have an older brother who was a dancing machine and of course I wanted to be better than him. That's just what younger brothers do, so I was also a dancing machine. You know how back in the day people use to make a circle at a dance and watch the person in the middle dance. I was that guy in the middle. The things we did growing up dancing isn't nothing compared to what they can do now a days. In the real versions of this movies the dances were crazy.
This movie is the make fun of all dance movie versions. In the same category as the Scary Movie sequels and this one is one of the best. It's crazy to me how funny the whole Wayans family can be. Of course making fun of movies started out with the Naked Gun series and Keenen Ivory Wayans ran off with it. This movie was directed by (I think his son) Damien Dante Wayans but wrote by Keenen. The family was all through the movie which was predicted just because that's how the family works. The movie stars Damon Wayans Jr. (son of Damon Wayans, My Wife and Kids) as Thomas. Thomas runs into a girl at school Megen (Shoshana Bush) and her friend Charity (the cute girl Essence Atkins) to teach them how to dance. Thomas is around some of the wrong people whenever he's with his dance partner A-Con (Affion Crockett) who tries to point him to the wrong directions.
It's kind of hard to do a review on a comedy movie that makes fun of other movies. The best thing I can say is this movie is funny. Some of my fellow blogger's doesn't agree with the way I feel about some comedies I've refereed but it's just my opinion. So if you haven't went and spent your money yet on this movie. My advice is go see it and you won't be disappointed.
This movie is the make fun of all dance movie versions. In the same category as the Scary Movie sequels and this one is one of the best. It's crazy to me how funny the whole Wayans family can be. Of course making fun of movies started out with the Naked Gun series and Keenen Ivory Wayans ran off with it. This movie was directed by (I think his son) Damien Dante Wayans but wrote by Keenen. The family was all through the movie which was predicted just because that's how the family works. The movie stars Damon Wayans Jr. (son of Damon Wayans, My Wife and Kids) as Thomas. Thomas runs into a girl at school Megen (Shoshana Bush) and her friend Charity (the cute girl Essence Atkins) to teach them how to dance. Thomas is around some of the wrong people whenever he's with his dance partner A-Con (Affion Crockett) who tries to point him to the wrong directions.
It's kind of hard to do a review on a comedy movie that makes fun of other movies. The best thing I can say is this movie is funny. Some of my fellow blogger's doesn't agree with the way I feel about some comedies I've refereed but it's just my opinion. So if you haven't went and spent your money yet on this movie. My advice is go see it and you won't be disappointed.
June 2, 2009
Next Day Air
Well, it's been a minute since my last write. I want to aplogize to my follower.
Growing up in the hood has it's good times and bad times. The things you can run into can often change your life in a blink of an eye. At the wrong place at the wrong time is a regular cliche. At the right place at the right time is something you don't hear on a normal basis. A lot of the time it has something to do with where you are and whoever your around. Watching movies can often be rediculous and make most people say that only happens in movies.
In this movie it's the same thing, it only happens in the movies. I belive this movie is suppose to be a comedy. I'm not going to tell you that I didn't laugh in the movie but I guess I didn't find it that funny. The movie is about a couple different people meeting at a drug deal from different places. Leo (Donald Faison) who works for his mother at a delivery service drops off a drug package to the wrong address. Brody (Mike Epps) and Gooch (Wood Haris) are the reciever of this package which is a "gift from Jesus" to them. The proper owner Bodega( Emilio Rivera)course is very upset that the package didn't delivered to Jesus(Cisco Reyes) and Chita(the hot girl Yasmin Deliz). Now he's out to find out who got the package and willing to do whatever it takes. In the mean time Brody and Gooch decides to try to get rid of the package by calling his cousin Shavoo(Omari Hardwick) who is a big time drug dealer. Everything is all down hill from there.
This movie is not that funny to me compared to the potential it had. With all the actors that play in the movie I just thought it would be funnier. As expected the funny parts of the movie has something to do with Mike Epps. I do belive that Donald Faison has the potential to be a good actor but just not yet. I just have a lot of mixed feelings about this movie so I'm kinda stuck on between telling you to go see this at the theater or wait for video. With that said I guess I can start rating my movies with 1 being terrible 10 being great. I guess I'm going to give this movie a 7.
Growing up in the hood has it's good times and bad times. The things you can run into can often change your life in a blink of an eye. At the wrong place at the wrong time is a regular cliche. At the right place at the right time is something you don't hear on a normal basis. A lot of the time it has something to do with where you are and whoever your around. Watching movies can often be rediculous and make most people say that only happens in movies.
In this movie it's the same thing, it only happens in the movies. I belive this movie is suppose to be a comedy. I'm not going to tell you that I didn't laugh in the movie but I guess I didn't find it that funny. The movie is about a couple different people meeting at a drug deal from different places. Leo (Donald Faison) who works for his mother at a delivery service drops off a drug package to the wrong address. Brody (Mike Epps) and Gooch (Wood Haris) are the reciever of this package which is a "gift from Jesus" to them. The proper owner Bodega( Emilio Rivera)course is very upset that the package didn't delivered to Jesus(Cisco Reyes) and Chita(the hot girl Yasmin Deliz). Now he's out to find out who got the package and willing to do whatever it takes. In the mean time Brody and Gooch decides to try to get rid of the package by calling his cousin Shavoo(Omari Hardwick) who is a big time drug dealer. Everything is all down hill from there.
This movie is not that funny to me compared to the potential it had. With all the actors that play in the movie I just thought it would be funnier. As expected the funny parts of the movie has something to do with Mike Epps. I do belive that Donald Faison has the potential to be a good actor but just not yet. I just have a lot of mixed feelings about this movie so I'm kinda stuck on between telling you to go see this at the theater or wait for video. With that said I guess I can start rating my movies with 1 being terrible 10 being great. I guess I'm going to give this movie a 7.
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