Being a virgin has never been a good thing in high school. I'm not really sure why, I think it all started by the first person whoever had sex on prom night. It really all comes down to the peer pressure that we received from our friends. I just feel bad because as the years go on the kids are having sex younger and younger. Around Kalamazoo the perspective that I have of the kids is it's cool to have a kid at sixteen. It looks like your not cool if you don't have any kids if your sixteen. On the other part of the town it's a college area and getting pregnant is the last thing on their mind. I have a feeling that they're having sex but I think they're more conscious of getting pregnant. This whole situation effects me personally because I have a twelve year old step daughter who's on her way to middle school. I don't think she will take that route because it's to many people around her who made the same dumb mistakes. Plus she can't stand kids already. To be in high school excited about having sex for the first time and everything going south could only happen once.
Funny comedy is about Eugene Bell (Zach Cregger ) who has experienced some bad sex examples in his teenage years. His brother has gone through some terrible things by having sex and it took his toll on Eugenes sex life. Eugene has a girlfriend for Cindi Whitehall (the hot girl Raquel Alessi) about two years and she's ready to have sex for the first time. After some hard consideration Eugene gives in and agrees to have sex only on prom night. When the night arrives Eugene is a little nervous about having sex and his best friend Tucker Cleigh (Trevor Moore) wants to help him take his mind off the sex and decides to get Eugene a little drunk. After quite to many drinks he's all ready to get it on but falls down some steps and gets knocked out for four years. When he finally wakes up everyone in his life has moved on except Tucker. With Tuckers obsession with Playboy he realizes that Cindi has posed in the March issue. With that being said Eugene and Tucker finds a opportunity to get to the Playboy mansion to talk to Cindi. That's where the adventure begins.
I found this movie to be funny. The adventures in this movie are mostly realistic and so are the outcomes. Horsedick.MPEG (Craig Robinson) is the funniest character in this movie. Horsdick.mpeg is a rapper who helps Eugene and Tucker get to the playboy mansion. When I first started to watch this movie I thought is was going to be a typical teen comedy but to me it was funnier than the rest. I know that's a really big statement but until I try to go back and see the other one's I'm going to stick with that. If you have already seen this movie when it was out at the theater than I'm mad that nobody told me about it. If you haven't got a chance to see it than I suggest that you go to your local video store to pick it up.
July 25, 2009
July 21, 2009
The Hurt Locker
There is no way I could even imagine what it's like being in a war. The only types of stories that I can come up with are the stories that I've seen on other movies. I know of a couple of people that have been over in Iraq but I never heard of any actual stories from them. I will always feel a little funny about asking them questions about things that happened over there. I'm always afraid to bring back old memories that can make some veterans go crazy. I'm not politically inclined enough to get into the reasons for the wars but I can tell you that I will never be the one to go over there. On the other hand you have some people in the military that love it and that's all they ever want to do. I say whatever floats there boats go for it because that's a really big responsibility. That's just not defending your house or your neighborhood, it's your country.
An army bomb squad is accompanied by Sergeant JT Sanborn (Anthony Mackie ) and Specialist Owen Eldridge (Brian Geraghty) over in Iraq. They lose their first bomb specialist in a bomb by what I assume a terrorist. Then they have to call in the best Staff Sergeant William James (Jeremy Renner) who has disabled more than 800 bombs in his career. The tactics that he uses rubs Sergeant JT Sanborn the wrong way and they start to not get along very well. It even reached a point to where JT wanted to kill Will and make it look like mistake. With having to depend on others in your squad they quickly drop their beef. Throughout all the drunk bonding and stressful situations of course they had a count down until they rotatate. Sergeant Williams is really the only one that has something to really live for with his wife Connnie James (the hot girl Evangeline Lilly) and his seed. The only problem is that he's dedicated to one but not the other.
The way this movie is made it looks like a documentary about bomb specialists. I found it quite interesting about the things that go on over there. I already had my presumptions about what went on over there but that was only from TV. It also shows me that whenever a person has a cocky attitude it shows in everything that he does. I'm not going to tell you that it was my favorite army movie but it's in my top five. I believe this movie is in theaters in certain areas so if its in your area go and see it. If not than when it comes out on dvd don't ignore it.
An army bomb squad is accompanied by Sergeant JT Sanborn (Anthony Mackie ) and Specialist Owen Eldridge (Brian Geraghty) over in Iraq. They lose their first bomb specialist in a bomb by what I assume a terrorist. Then they have to call in the best Staff Sergeant William James (Jeremy Renner) who has disabled more than 800 bombs in his career. The tactics that he uses rubs Sergeant JT Sanborn the wrong way and they start to not get along very well. It even reached a point to where JT wanted to kill Will and make it look like mistake. With having to depend on others in your squad they quickly drop their beef. Throughout all the drunk bonding and stressful situations of course they had a count down until they rotatate. Sergeant Williams is really the only one that has something to really live for with his wife Connnie James (the hot girl Evangeline Lilly) and his seed. The only problem is that he's dedicated to one but not the other.
The way this movie is made it looks like a documentary about bomb specialists. I found it quite interesting about the things that go on over there. I already had my presumptions about what went on over there but that was only from TV. It also shows me that whenever a person has a cocky attitude it shows in everything that he does. I'm not going to tell you that it was my favorite army movie but it's in my top five. I believe this movie is in theaters in certain areas so if its in your area go and see it. If not than when it comes out on dvd don't ignore it.
July 20, 2009
Public Enemies
It's a natural thing for an human being to adapt to a situation. It all depends on the situation that your in. How fast it takes but it's always done one way or the other. People could either make it work someway or just run away from it. For me personally I've been blessed enough to avoid any types of shoot outs in my neighborhood. They were all around my house and sometimes I even knew of the people that were involved. The times that I heard about them it wasn't never over anything that was worth it. If there ever is. People don't try to rob banks or other public places no more like they did back in the 40's or 50's. Of course you really can't compare the two different times because of the way law enforcement has adapted to modern times. I think it would be sweet to be a cop back in those days, to just shoot at every bad guy I see.
Of course this was a gangster movie about John Dillinger(Johnny Depp) who was a really cocky bank robber. John had a really good crew that had his back at all times. John got his information about what banks to rob from Alvin Karpis (Giovanni Ribisi) who of course took his percentage off the top. Also in the picture for the feds to capture was Pretty Boy Floyd(Channing Tatum) and Baby Face Nelson (Stephen Graham). Melvin Purvis (Christian Bale) was the agent assigned to bring them down. Through out the movie Melvin was trying to figure out a way to bring them all down together.
I like this movie just because of the way John was so cocky about the way he did business. He knew that he couldn't be touched no matter what he did. With his charming personality he told his girl Viola Norris (Elena Kenney) what he did and what he was going to do but she didn't care.There was also a part in the movie when John was at the peak of being investigated and he just walked right into the police station. He just wanted to know what they had on him, and it worked because he walked right out without anyone noticing him. He even talked to the officers. A friend of mine said that he thought it was too much shooting in the movie but I disagree. With most of the shooting I think it was just showing how much of a bad dude he was. If you haven't seen this movie yet then I don't know what your waiting on.
Of course this was a gangster movie about John Dillinger(Johnny Depp) who was a really cocky bank robber. John had a really good crew that had his back at all times. John got his information about what banks to rob from Alvin Karpis (Giovanni Ribisi) who of course took his percentage off the top. Also in the picture for the feds to capture was Pretty Boy Floyd(Channing Tatum) and Baby Face Nelson (Stephen Graham). Melvin Purvis (Christian Bale) was the agent assigned to bring them down. Through out the movie Melvin was trying to figure out a way to bring them all down together.
I like this movie just because of the way John was so cocky about the way he did business. He knew that he couldn't be touched no matter what he did. With his charming personality he told his girl Viola Norris (Elena Kenney) what he did and what he was going to do but she didn't care.There was also a part in the movie when John was at the peak of being investigated and he just walked right into the police station. He just wanted to know what they had on him, and it worked because he walked right out without anyone noticing him. He even talked to the officers. A friend of mine said that he thought it was too much shooting in the movie but I disagree. With most of the shooting I think it was just showing how much of a bad dude he was. If you haven't seen this movie yet then I don't know what your waiting on.
July 10, 2009
The Steam Experiment
Some people are aware of global warming and unfortunately others are not.
I've been personally contributing to helping change my excessive pollution just by doing the small things to help the world out. Some people just tell me that I'm just trying to save money on my bills. Which is somewhat true because I don't run any extra lights or extra water. There other things I do like not littering, making sure I put my cigarette buds somewhere. I believe it was Russell Simmions that called it leaving your foot print in the changing of the world. That's what I call myself doing is leaving my foot print. I really don't understand how a lot of the other countries are already involved and we just started putting are foot in the door. I know that President Obama is making a change for us but I think he should make the things we need to make our lives more energy efficient cheaper. I use to think that trying to make others aware of global warming can never go to far but after watching this movie I changed my mind.
Pressure bust pipes is one of my favorite sayings and it really got to Jimmy (Van Kilmer). Jimmy was reading a lot of books about global warming. I guess it just got to him and he felt that no one was doing anything about it. Jimmy decides to take his problems to the Grand Rapids Press to force them to publish his story about global warming. He placed six random people in a steam room just to show them how it will feel when global warming actually arrives. In about two hours all six people will end up dying from the steam and temperature.span>Detective Mancini (Armand Assante) was the first to be called by the chief editor of the paper. As Det. Mancini investigates the whole situation it becomes very aware just how crazy Jimmy is.While a lot of time is spent trying to figure out if Jimmy is telling the truth. The people in the steam room is going crazy and killing each other. Will Det. Mancini find the hostages in time or will all the people die before he becomes aware? Message.
This was a strange one to me but the message was very clear. I think Val Kilmer did a wonderful job in this one playing crazy. It was a couple of hot scenes in the movie just to make me happy. I followed the movie all the way until the end where they kind of lost me. I was just a little confused about the motive of the people, when you see the movie. I'm not sure where this movie stands as far as being in theaters or not. I'll advise you to wait until you get bored and just want to watch a movie to see this one.
I've been personally contributing to helping change my excessive pollution just by doing the small things to help the world out. Some people just tell me that I'm just trying to save money on my bills. Which is somewhat true because I don't run any extra lights or extra water. There other things I do like not littering, making sure I put my cigarette buds somewhere. I believe it was Russell Simmions that called it leaving your foot print in the changing of the world. That's what I call myself doing is leaving my foot print. I really don't understand how a lot of the other countries are already involved and we just started putting are foot in the door. I know that President Obama is making a change for us but I think he should make the things we need to make our lives more energy efficient cheaper. I use to think that trying to make others aware of global warming can never go to far but after watching this movie I changed my mind.
Pressure bust pipes is one of my favorite sayings and it really got to Jimmy (Van Kilmer). Jimmy was reading a lot of books about global warming. I guess it just got to him and he felt that no one was doing anything about it. Jimmy decides to take his problems to the Grand Rapids Press to force them to publish his story about global warming. He placed six random people in a steam room just to show them how it will feel when global warming actually arrives. In about two hours all six people will end up dying from the steam and temperature.span>Detective Mancini (Armand Assante) was the first to be called by the chief editor of the paper. As Det. Mancini investigates the whole situation it becomes very aware just how crazy Jimmy is.While a lot of time is spent trying to figure out if Jimmy is telling the truth. The people in the steam room is going crazy and killing each other. Will Det. Mancini find the hostages in time or will all the people die before he becomes aware? Message.
This was a strange one to me but the message was very clear. I think Val Kilmer did a wonderful job in this one playing crazy. It was a couple of hot scenes in the movie just to make me happy. I followed the movie all the way until the end where they kind of lost me. I was just a little confused about the motive of the people, when you see the movie. I'm not sure where this movie stands as far as being in theaters or not. I'll advise you to wait until you get bored and just want to watch a movie to see this one.
July 9, 2009
If I can only "Imagine That"
When I was younger my brother and I played a lot of things together. Everything from playing sports, video games and girls. There were times that I was by myself, because we're five and a half years apart, is when they showed up. During those times whenever I was alone I did have my own personal group of friends. It wasn't that serious when I was dealing with my imaginary friends. I wouldn't talk to them when I was in the public eye because I was imbaress to. The only time that I can remember talking to them is when I was playing with my toys. I'm not even sure that counts because everybody imagines that their toys talk to them.
It's really funny to me about how kids can have an effect on a lot of things that they have no idea what they're doing. It's crazy what amazing things kids have the ability to do. It's been everything like seeing dead people and seeing the future. My kids don't have any naturally born talents like that but I couldn't imagine it if they did.
This movie is about Evan Danielson (Eddie Murphy) who is a struggling financial executive trying to make it to the top. Evan and his wife Tricia Danielson (Nicole Ari Parker) are split up and going through a custody battle. They have a cute little girl Olivia Danielson (Yara Shahidi) that's around eight or nine I think that's hurt from the break up. Due to the break up she creates these imagary charcters that argues to each other about the decession that she make. At one point Evan had his back was against the wall with a lot pressure on him to compete with the new successfull business partner Johnny Whitefeather (Thomas Haden Church). All Olivia wanted to do is spend a little time with her father. When Evan finally gave in to his daughter he was basically getting off his chest thoughts about the problems he was having at work. After he told her his problems about work Olivia talked to her imaginary friends and they came up with a soulution. It was all down hill from there kind of because he did end up spending way more time with her. It was a bad thing because it stemed from her doing what she can do for him. Evan gets a little out of control with his success until he hurts Olivia.
I thought this movie was a really, excuse my french , cute. It was a typical Eddie movie with all his over reacting funny stuff. Yara Shahidi is a good up and coming little girl that's gonna be a star one day. It's sad to see that some parents will use there own kids for there advantage. Besides that it really isn't much I didn't like about this movie. In all if you have kids and you just want a night out you won't be dissappointed in this one. If your kids are too bad for the theaters than just wait for it to come to your local video store.
It's really funny to me about how kids can have an effect on a lot of things that they have no idea what they're doing. It's crazy what amazing things kids have the ability to do. It's been everything like seeing dead people and seeing the future. My kids don't have any naturally born talents like that but I couldn't imagine it if they did.
This movie is about Evan Danielson (Eddie Murphy) who is a struggling financial executive trying to make it to the top. Evan and his wife Tricia Danielson (Nicole Ari Parker) are split up and going through a custody battle. They have a cute little girl Olivia Danielson (Yara Shahidi) that's around eight or nine I think that's hurt from the break up. Due to the break up she creates these imagary charcters that argues to each other about the decession that she make. At one point Evan had his back was against the wall with a lot pressure on him to compete with the new successfull business partner Johnny Whitefeather (Thomas Haden Church). All Olivia wanted to do is spend a little time with her father. When Evan finally gave in to his daughter he was basically getting off his chest thoughts about the problems he was having at work. After he told her his problems about work Olivia talked to her imaginary friends and they came up with a soulution. It was all down hill from there kind of because he did end up spending way more time with her. It was a bad thing because it stemed from her doing what she can do for him. Evan gets a little out of control with his success until he hurts Olivia.
I thought this movie was a really, excuse my french , cute. It was a typical Eddie movie with all his over reacting funny stuff. Yara Shahidi is a good up and coming little girl that's gonna be a star one day. It's sad to see that some parents will use there own kids for there advantage. Besides that it really isn't much I didn't like about this movie. In all if you have kids and you just want a night out you won't be dissappointed in this one. If your kids are too bad for the theaters than just wait for it to come to your local video store.
July 2, 2009
Riding the taken of Pelhan 123
Renisance Ce..." style="border: medium none ; display: block;" width="300" height="211">
The news shows some of the crazy things that goes on the buses, but that's just about 30% of what happens. Most of the time it's only when something really server happens. The bus system kind of remind me of TBS theme "charters are welcome." If anyone ever just gets bored, just take the time to ride a bus all day and you'll be amazed at what you'll see. I'm not sure if I've said this before but it scares me to see some of these movies and not to wonder where they get these ideas from. I know that if I ever go to New York again I'm not getting on Pelhan 123.
This was a crazy one here. Walter Garber (Denzel Washington) is a recently demoted dispatcher who is at the wrong place at the wrong time. The pressure of Walter being on the radar for being accused of bribery gets to him. Ryder (John Travolta) is a fast talking "terrorist" who is very particular about what he wants out of everything. Ryder uses the transit station as his gate way to the police and the government. Ryder establishes a relationship with Walter through all there bs talk. To the rescue is the NYPD hostage team headed by Camonetti (John Turturro) and they want to take over everything. Since Ryder already established a friendship with Walter he won't talk with no one else. With all this chaos and money involved it just turns into a pride issue.
I have a couple of problems with this movie. To me it all just happened to fast. The caper started right at the beginning of the movie in which could be a good thing to some. It wasn't that predictable but I like for it to lead up to whats about to happen. In the movie it tells you what his whole motivation of taking the train was but it just wasn't that clear.I just found out that this is a remake of an older version and I'm curious to see that one. I personally got a kick out of James Gandolfini playing the mayor of New York Pretty ironic from him being Tony Soprano a New York crime boss. The movie is one with a fast pace and a simple plot that an action fan would appreciate. If your in the mood for a good combo of actors in a suspenseful movie than you won't be disappointed.
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