July 10, 2009

The Steam Experiment

Some people are aware of global warming and unfortunately others are not.
I've been personally contributing to helping change my excessive pollution just by doing the small things to help the world out. Some people just tell me that I'm just trying to save money on my bills. Which is somewhat true because I don't run any extra lights or extra water. There other things I do like not littering, making sure I put my cigarette buds somewhere. I believe it was Russell Simmions that called it leaving your foot print in the changing of the world. That's what I call myself doing is leaving my foot print. I really don't understand how a lot of the other countries are already involved and we just started putting are foot in the door. I know that President Obama is making a change for us but I think he should make the things we need to make our lives more energy efficient cheaper. I use to think that trying to make others aware of global warming can never go to far but after watching this movie I changed my mind.

Pressure bust pipes is one of my favorite sayings and it really got to Jimmy (Van Kilmer). Jimmy was reading a lot of books about global warming. I guess it just got to him and he felt that no one was doing anything about it. Jimmy decides to take his problems to the Grand Rapids Press to force them to publish his story about global warming. He placed six random people in a steam room just to show them how it will feel when global warming actually arrives. In about two hours all six people will end up dying from the steam and temperature.span>Detective Mancini (Armand Assante) was the first to be called by the chief editor of the paper. As Det. Mancini investigates the whole situation it becomes very aware just how crazy Jimmy is.While a lot of time is spent trying to figure out if Jimmy is telling the truth. The people in the steam room is going crazy and killing each other. Will Det. Mancini find the hostages in time or will all the people die before he becomes aware? Message.

This was a strange one to me but the message was very clear. I think Val Kilmer did a wonderful job in this one playing crazy. It was a couple of hot scenes in the movie just to make me happy. I followed the movie all the way until the end where they kind of lost me. I was just a little confused about the motive of the people, when you see the movie. I'm not sure where this movie stands as far as being in theaters or not. I'll advise you to wait until you get bored and just want to watch a movie to see this one.

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