October 31, 2009

Paranormal Activity

To have to deal with a real life ghost is something that I'm not looking forward to. When I first thought of a ghost becoming my reality I really wouldn't know how to deal with it if it happened. I was told that my mother passed away in my house to this day I'm not sure if that was true or not. It really wasn't what I was thinking about around that time in my life. If she was there she never once bothered me unless it was for a good reason. I believe in spirits just off the thought that we can't just disappear after we die. My girlfriend has witnessed ghosts in her life time when she was living in a house that was haunted. Just to imagine a certain ghost following me around all my life would scare the crap out of me.

Paranormal Activity is based on a lady being haunted by a demon all her life. Katie Featherston has been trying to live a normal life but still has different episodes of the demon haunting her. Her boyfriend Micah Sloat decides to try to get the proof on video. After a couple of nights has gone by he noticed that a couple of things were happening that he wanted to point out. No matter how weird he thought the situation was he couldn't explain it even with the tape.Katie couldn't take it anymore and had to reach out to someone that could help. She knew somebody that knew somebody that was a psychic and gave him a call. The first time Mark Fredrichs came by he was supposed to have a scary feeling and the second time he realized he wasn't strong enough to help her.

I was just into this movie as I was for Blair Witch Project. I think I remember it was said that the Blair Witch Project was suppose to be based on a true story. In the back of my mind I knew it was fake but I tried to do whatever it took to think it was real. Unfortunately I had the same feeling about this movie, while my girlfriend thought everything was real because of the way it was set up.I think the previews are a little over board with how good this movie is. My personal advice is just to wait to watch it when it comes to video because I think it would be a little more scary.

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