August 17, 2009


Kids, you gotta love them. I have personally inherited four kids in my life. Some people would probably call me crazy for doing so, but I enjoy it. The only way that it hurts me is money reasons because I'm not working these days. The way I look at it is I adapted the kids to give them a somewhat better life. It helps me a lot to be able to help out my girlfriend and all her kids. I've even taken up the responsibility of my girlfriends ex in which a lot of people will call me stupid for a couple of reasons. Now I think I'm a more responsible person and I need the kids in my life to give me more stability. Unfortunately they're a lot of kids that need a good home to live in and grow up. I don't think there's nothing wrong with bringing in someone in your household to make everyone better. The kid that you chose to become a part of your family make sure you do a little back ground check. You might need to just to make sure they're who they really seem to be.

This movie is a scary one just off the fact that you never know what your gonna get. This wonderful couple has just lost there baby and they decide to adopt.
Kate Coleman (Vera Farmiga) and husband John Coleman (Peter Sarsgaard ) are having a stressful relationship. They believe that bringing a child into there home would be the best thing for them. So they go to an adoption center to look for a child and they find this cute little girl Esther (Isabelle Fuhrman). When Esther arrives at the house everything is going so well until the lady from the adoption center comes and finds out some information about Esther that the Coleman's didn't know. With that information out in the open Esther does whatever it takes for that information not to get delivered. Kate is the one that sees the craziness coming and John thought she was just paranoid. Lets just say that the mother was right and the "little girl" has a couple screws lose.

I liked this one personally. It was differently a suspense thriller that I can see again. It really wasn't to bad for the kids over thirteen to see. Although it had some sexual situations in it but no nudity. Some of the things in the movie are similar to the other ones like Omen and The Good Son. At the end of the movie it gives you a real different twist of a disease that I haven't heard of. Isabelle Fuhrman did a great job in this movie playing this crazy "little girl." If your in the mood for a good suspense thriller go and see this one. You won't be disappointed.

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