May 2, 2009


Well, lets talk about this movie "Fighting". The movie stars Channing Tatum, pretty boy Terrence Howard and with the hot chick role Zulay Henao. I can confess, like most people in America, I thought this was gonna be another Karate Kid or Never Back Down. It wasn't as bad as I assumed it was gonna be.

The movie is about a young street kid who moved to New York from somewhere down south. To start over his life, I don't want to get into details about it. I don't to mess the movie up for anybody that wants to see it.

Something that really got to me was the way Harvey Boarden (Terrence Howard) talked all through the movie. I don't know why it just didn't sound real to me. I haven't seen Channing Tatum play in nothing else so I really can't judge him on his acting. This movie he did pretty well in I guess for a movie about fighting and being the fighter.

To sum it all up, if your just a movie fan and if you like fighting movies go see it. I'm not saying it's going to go down in history but it's worth your money.

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