May 4, 2009

State of Play

Where will we be without the press? How would we ever know about anything thats none of our business? As a goverment official if your trying to hide something what's a better thing to have than a personal friend in the media. We the people will never know about the things that happen unless they want us to know. With this movie you'll get all the above.
This movie is about a Rep Stephen Collins (Ben Affleck) who gets invloved with a girl on the side. Turns out not to be whats expected and defentely not worth it. His wife finds out of course through the media because she "commited sucide." After that happens it's all down hill for Stephen (Ben Affleck). Of course all writers want the big story so Stephen turns to his good friend Cal McAffrey (Russell Crowe). Cal is a writer for a struggling news paper (which all papers are struggling now a days with the internet) and he wants to be there for his friend, the paper, plus career. Cal hears Stephen story and decides to looks a little deeper into it. Along with his news paper partner, the hot girl, Della Frye (Rachel McAdams) get involved more than the police know.
I agree with the public when I say this movie will keep you on the edge of your seat the entire movie. I'm a easy catch when it comes to movies like that, I love suspenseful movies. It's one of my favorites because you neve know whats gonna happen. It dosen't really contain any violent seens, sex seens or anything thats keeps an average man interested. If your one of those people that needs a lot of action to keep you awake when watching movies, you may want to sit this one out. Like I do in my reviews I'm gonna tell you this movie is worth whatever you have to spend at your local theater.

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