July 21, 2009

The Hurt Locker

There is no way I could even imagine what it's like being in a war. The only types of stories that I can come up with are the stories that I've seen on other movies. I know of a couple of people that have been over in Iraq but I never heard of any actual stories from them. I will always feel a little funny about asking them questions about things that happened over there. I'm always afraid to bring back old memories that can make some veterans go crazy. I'm not politically inclined enough to get into the reasons for the wars but I can tell you that I will never be the one to go over there. On the other hand you have some people in the military that love it and that's all they ever want to do. I say whatever floats there boats go for it because that's a really big responsibility. That's just not defending your house or your neighborhood, it's your country.

An army bomb squad is accompanied by
Sergeant JT Sanborn (Anthony Mackie ) and Specialist Owen Eldridge (Brian Geraghty) over in Iraq. They lose their first bomb specialist in a bomb by what I assume a terrorist. Then they have to call in the best Staff Sergeant William James (Jeremy Renner) who has disabled more than 800 bombs in his career. The tactics that he uses rubs Sergeant JT Sanborn the wrong way and they start to not get along very well. It even reached a point to where JT wanted to kill Will and make it look like mistake. With having to depend on others in your squad they quickly drop their beef. Throughout all the drunk bonding and stressful situations of course they had a count down until they rotatate. Sergeant Williams is really the only one that has something to really live for with his wife Connnie James (the hot girl Evangeline Lilly) and his seed. The only problem is that he's dedicated to one but not the other.

The way this movie is made it looks like a documentary about bomb specialists. I found it quite interesting about the things that go on over there. I already had my presumptions about what went on over there but that was only from TV. It also shows me that whenever a person has a cocky attitude it shows in everything that he does. I'm not going to tell you that it was my favorite army movie but it's in my top five. I believe this movie is in theaters in certain areas so if its in your area go and see it. If not than when it comes out on dvd don't ignore it.

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